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Wednesday 1 Nov 2017 10:06 am Share this article with Facebook Share this article with Twitter Share this article with Whatsapp Share this article through SMS (Picture: Getty) Candy, costumes and craziness are what people are spending their money on in the run-up to Halloween. People are whipped into a spending frenzy around Halloween and of course, it’s millennials who started this insanity. Boy finds needle in Mars Bar given to little brother while trick or treating Mintel, the market research analysts estimated that Britain’s spend on Halloween this year would be a 3.2% rise on what we spent on the creepy holiday last year. It was estimated that Brits will spend an extraordinary £320 million ($418 million) on Halloween. Now that’s scary. Don’t be a clown with your pounds (Picture: Mercury Press) The reason millennials are to blame here is that 60% of the millennial demographic spent money on Halloween in 2016. So as millennials get older, they get richer, and they spend more on Halloween. Do the costumes get better? Our nation’s spending on Halloween has suffered some kind of rapid mutation since the turn of the century. In 2001 spending on Halloween products in the UK stood at £12 million, according to YouGov. In a YouGov poll in 2013, 74% of Britons said they would not be celebrating Halloween, so who is spending all the money? Are we secret Halloween shoppers, or do we have guilt about celebrating a holiday that originated here? You spent how much on those decorations? (Picture: Alamy) So who is spending what? According to Mintel, almost half of British consumers spent money on Halloween in 2016 – 46% up from 39% in 2015, the seven percentage point increase signals some kind of acceleration in the popularity of Halloween or the increase in the commercialisation of the holiday. Most people spent under £25 on Halloween in 2016, with one in six spending over £50. The sales are still driven in most part by confectionary, meaning people are treating their trick-or-treaters. Over a third of consumers purchased sweets or chocolates or both for Halloween driven by the trick-or-treat tradition. (Picture: Paul Brown/REX/Shutterstock) In 2017 Brits were estimated to spend a colossal £25.13 million on pumpkins with a quarter of Brits taking part in the pumpkin carving phenomenon. The top five categories for Halloween purchases in 2016 were confectionary, pumpkins, fancy dress, decoration and cosmetics. In the US Halloween is now the second largest commercial celebration after Christmas, and Americans spend $6 billion (£4.5 billion) on Halloween each year.

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