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Learn the history behind 'No-Shave November' before you put away the razor

Learn the history behind 'No-Shave November' before you put away the razor

What is No-Shave November? Is it a blown-up fad or does it mean so much more?

Actually, it’s both. No-Shave November was a tradition for recent years, until one family was affected by cancer and decided to use No-Shave November to raise money for cancer research.

According to the official website of No-Shave November, the Hill family, eight children from Chicago, lost their father, Matthew Hill in November 2007 to colon cancer. Struck by tragedy, these children decided to start a charity that uses No-Shave November to raise money for cancer research. 

The Hill family partners with the following organizations: Prevent Cancer Foundation, Fight Colorectal Cancer and the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Together, they search for a cure for cancer.

You may ask, “how does it work?” The process is simple. Guys let their facial hair grow for a month and avoid shaving for the month of November. Ladies let the hair on their legs grow and they avoid shaving their legs or waxing for the month of November.

Any money guys and girls would normally spend on razors and shaving cream could be donated to aid the search for a cure to cancer.

Two UK students had an opinion to share on No-Shave November.

“I think it's a fun thing for guys to do and to compete with your friends to see who is "manlier" with their facial hair," Phillip Hawkins, a journalism junior, said. 

However, Alexis Clarke, a equine science senior, had an opposing opinion.

“I have a deeply rooted dislike towards the idea that girls have to shave their legs or they are unattractive. Or that guys have to make their facial hair a certain way or they are unattractive," Clarke said. "I think you should do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter."

As a guy, I sway toward Hawkins’ opinion. I used to think No-Shave November was just a fad. However, when I stumbled upon the official No-Shave November website while doing research, my opinion changed. I now think No-Shave November is a noble cause to get involved. I have had grandparents die of cancer. To think that there could be a cure out there for cancer is life-changing for my family and I, and many other families as well.

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